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Endless Space® 2 (2018)

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  1. Endless Space 2. Endless Space 2 is turn-based, 4X space-strategy by Amplitude Studios that launches players into the space colonization age of different civilizations within the Endless universe.
  2. Endless Space 2 is a game that asks us to do that again in one of sci-fi's most distinct universes. The game takes its name from the top-dog precursor race of the setting: the long-gone Endless. One of the last things their civilization did was fight a huge war between the.

May 19, 2017 Endless Space 2's journey is just beginning. The lifecycle of a 4X strategy game starts, if you're lucky, with a promising set of foundations. After six months in Steam Early Access, Amplitude.

Released 02 Aug 2018

Ceaseless war for the sake of honor and glory has never been my preferred style of play in strategy games. I am the type who prefers to build just enough of a military presence to coast by while greedily increasing internal core outputs to their maximum efficiencies. To that end, the Hissho, and their accompanying military content expansion Supremacy for Endless Space 2 are my antithesis.

Where they see glorious conquest, I see wasted economic output. While they strive for supremacy through warfare, I prefer to focus on tall empires that race through scientific discovery. Yet, despite this disharmony I believe the Hissho, much like the Kapaku of Endless Legend: Inferno, are an engaging and unique experience that lend themselves towards making Endless Space 2 a more diverse game to explore. I have mixed feelings about some of the other combat-centric content of Supremacy, but sometimes it's good to experience gameplay that you'd otherwise never intentionally choose.

Supremacy is loaded to the brim with military updates. New heroes have been added to the Academy pool that are specialized to be Fleet Admirals. The Hissho, and their Keii faction-resource and Observance production feature, are designed for the sole purpose of expansion through warfare. Then there are the Behemoths, massive ships that can decimate fleets, obliterate entire systems in one shot once upgraded, or defend you against that very weapon in the first place.

First, let's discuss the Hissho traits in more detail. Keii is a new faction-specific resource that replaces system's happiness. Instead, the entire empire shares their loyalty to the Emperor through how much Keii is currently stocked up. Keii is gained through fleet battle victories, system conquest, and Deed Completions. It is lost via dishonorable actions like retreating from combat or losing control over a system. Given Keii is the sole way to control Obedience, and thus your Dust and Science output, it is critical to stockpile as much Keii as possible. At the same time, Keii can also be expended, alongside Dust and strategic resources, to invoke very powerful empire actions. Fleets can move further, a homeland defense can spring up from the ether, production values can go ballistic temporarily, or a fleet can gain significant increases to its defense and offensive output.

As you've probably guessed by now, I was a huge fan of being able to pump my economic output up by 45% consistently. Weighing usage of Keii against the negative aspects of low obedience is a constant balancing act. On harder difficulties I found myself struggling to maintain a good range of Keii, especially against multiple warfronts at the same time. Soon enough, this would spiral into economic deficits from the lower obedience, and I would race against the clock to prevent revolt or the selling of warfare assets to appease my debtors.

Observances like the 'Diligence Ritual' would assist in maintaining my economic output, as the Hissho's culture revolves around the sacrifice of the individual for the greater good. In this case, increasing Dust output by 50% for 10 turns. Other observances allow you to gain manpower for fleets and invasions faster, or just gain a flat amount of Keii per population sacrificed. As a result, focusing on food production has a secondary benefit, as you can routinely make sacrifices in systems that have already filled up their population slots for greater gains.

The Behemoths are where I start to have qualms with Supremacy; there's a lot going on in this design space. They can be used as giant wrecking balls capable of destroying anything in the early game on standard difficulties. This feels fun at first, but I also worry that it throws balance completely out the window. They get progressively more powerful with tractor beams that prevent retreat, massive scaling offensive output, and eventually the ability to join standard fleets alongside smaller ships. Given they can be accessed earlier than Carriers in theory, it feels like they're invading that power boost that comes from such a late-game technology.

Furthermore, Obliterators completely negate any reason to equip a Carrier with a Core Cracker, the offensive module capable of destroying a planet. At the cost of some additional late-game resources, or just sitting around waiting for enough turns to pass, you can instead destroy an entire system from across the galaxy with an Obliterator. It certainly fulfils the insane fantasy of an exponential arms race of a militaristic society, but it also dustbins a prior game mechanic, and that rubs me the wrong way to an extent.

On the other hand, their ability to mine from planets feels very sub-par in general, requiring a fair amount of scientific research before it begins to bear any real fruit. Being unable to mine off planets that are controlled by yourself or any other faction means eventually they will relegated to strategic resource planets that you haven't claimed for yourself yet. As you can imagine, as the game goes on that becomes more and more niche. Furthermore, their maintenance cost begins to outweigh their economic output once you start upgrading them.

Given you cannot dock Behemoths in a hangar to lower their costs, you feel pressured to transform them into offensive weapons that will give you literal bang for your buck or Citadels to remove the maintenance cost entirely. Citadels feel underpowered, as their upfront cost really only nets you a shielding ability against the Obliterator's systemic destruction. Eventually you can unlock a research and subsequent system upgrade to give a flat 20% increase to production and science, but until you research that outer ring tech (and thus give up time that could be spent on other significant endeavours) the bonuses they give don't feel particularly noteworthy.

My frustrations with Behemoths aside, I'm still glad Supremacy has been added to Endless Space 2, and I am willing to admit my own biases about militaristic outlooks in 4X games. Just because a mechanic doesn't cater to my specific palette doesn't mean it's poorly designed. If anything, diversification of gameplay styles is one of the most required aspects of an excellent 4X game, and to that end Supremacy succeeds in helping Endless Space 2 grow as a product. I eagerly look forward to seeing what AMPLITUDE Studios puts out next for this giant space opera of a game. In the meantime, I'll probably just keep playing the Lumeris or Sophons, being extremely greedy in my little corner of space while watching out for potential obliteration!

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Endless Space 2
Developer(s)Amplitude Studios
Platform(s)Microsoft Windows
ReleaseMay 18, 2017
Genre(s)Turn-based strategy, 4X
Mode(s)Single-player, multiplayer

Endless Space 2 is a turn-based strategy, science fiction4X game developed by Amplitude Studios. It is the sequel to Endless Space, which was released in 2012. The game had been made available through Steam's early access program since October 2016.[1] It was released on May 18, 2017.


Endless Space 2 is set in the universe that was long ago dominated by a powerful race called the Endless. Inquisitive and dedicated, the Endless were able to make great advances in the fields of science, which culminated in them achieving virtualization, allowing them to upload their minds into machines and giving them eternal life. This created a great schism in their society, splitting it into two opposing factions, the Virtuals, who embraced electronic immortality, and the Concretes, who viewed it as an abomination. The quarrels quickly grew into an open war, called the Dust Wars, which essentially destroyed their society, leaving but a few splintered surviving individuals.Tens of thousands of years after the demise of the Endless, the galaxy is yet again thriving with life capable of interstellar travel. The player takes control of one of the 12 major factions, 'each with their own asymmetrical gameplay, storyline, homeworlds, spaceships, heroes and technologies'[2].

  • The Sophons are a peaceful and curious race which resembles grey aliens. They pursue scientific advance to the point of recklessness and have once accidently blew up their moon. For Sophons, the universe and life are something to be looked with awe and to be studied and understood. The Sophons have a unique ability to gain a research bonus to the technology that they are researching proportional to the number of factions that haven't yet researched the chosen technology.[3]
  • The Cravers are an aggressive hive-like half-machine half-insect race created by the virtual Endless who used them as a weapon against the Concrete Endless. The Cravers are always in war with other factions and are incapable of signing peace unless the Militaristic party has no represantation in their senate. The Cravers gain 150% bonus to FIDS resources (Food, Industry, Dust and Science), but slowly deplete the planets that they inhabit, turning them unproductive and reducing their FIDS output to 50% after a certain time. They are also able to enslave other populations, increasing their FIDS output, but reducing their Approval (happiness).[4]
  • The Lumeris are an amphibian race that focuses on peaceful trading and dust acquisition (dust is the collection of nanobots and nano-computers created by the Endless used as the currency by todays' factions who lack the ability to understand it and manipulate it). The Lumeris are able to colonize new systems using dust (instead of with colonizing ships) and gain bonuses to trade companies as well as reduction to dust inflation, which allows them to more efficiently buy out system improvements and spaceships with dust.[5]
  • The Vodyani developed on a poor planet called Tchinomy. Due to overexploitation of their homeplanet's resources they almost went extinct, but were saved by stumbling upon the technology of the Virtual Endless, causing them to worship them as gods. The Vodyani society is based on a religious hierarchy and they seek to convert other civilizations into Vodyani, drawing their lifeforce (by a unique resource called essence) and helping them ascend past their physical forms into virtuals. The Vodyani don't inhabit planets but instead live on their arks and exploit all the planets that their arks orbit around, allowing them to easily move to a new system that is richer in resources.[6]
  • The United Empire is an expansionistmultiethnic faction ruled by a monarchemperor Zelevas. Their gameplay is focused on industrial output, which generates influence, which can be used to buy out system improvements, technologies and resources. The Imperials have a very flexible endgame, since they are later able to change their culture into Sheredyn (who have militaristic bonuses) or Mezari (who possess scientific bonus), making them well-suited for several victory types.[7]
  • The Horatio were founded by an eccentric Mezari magnate who got hold of ancient cloning labs used by the Endless, exploiting them to create a massive army of clones, replicating the most beautiful being in the galaxy – himself. The Horatio society views other races as inferior and primitive, and seeks to 'beautify' the galaxy, making it contain nothing but copies of Horatio. The faction possesses a unique ability to harvest other populations' traits, splicing their genes and adding them to their own, constantly improving FIDSI output of the Horatio population.[8]
  • The Riftborn, an odd-looking white shape-like floating beings from an alternate dimension were driven from their original universe called Coroz into the Endless universe when a dust artifact onboard a Hissho vessel exploded, causing a rift between the two universes. The different and incompatible physical laws of the two universes caused the rift to grow and to consume the Coroz and its inhabitants and forced the Riftborn out of their own world. The Riftborn prefer sterile planets instead of fertile ones and do not increase their numbers by food (the Riftborn population must be constructed with industry). They are also able to place powerful singularities (time manipulations) on systems which can modify both friendly and enemy system FIDSI output.[9]
  • The Unfallen are a peaceful race of sentient trees that developed on a forest world of Koyasil. They are one of the oldest races in the universe and they possess the ability to discover and awake Guardians on planets, a special type of population which provides defensive bonuses to the planet it inhabits. The Unfallen colonize and claim other systems using celestial vines (which are special links between systems) and do not rely on spreading influence, like other empires. Additionally, they gain approval bonuses during peacetime and per factions they are allied to.[10]
  • The Vaulters (added in the Vaulters DLC) are the descendants of a Mezaripenal ship which crashed on the world of Auriga, where they set up a colony (during the events of the Endless Legend game). After a cataclysmic atmospheric event, they were forced to flee the planet and have since wondered the galaxy in search for a new home. The Vaulters don't start on a home system. They instead start the game with a single colony ship called the Argosy which is not consumed after a colonization and which colonizes planets instantaneously (instead of creating an outpost which slowly grows and turns into a full settlement, like the other empires). They are also able to build portals which allow them to instantaneously travel to other system which also possess portals, as well as to disguise their ships as pirates and attack other empires (even allied ones).[11]
  • The Hissho (added in the Supremacy DLC) are an avian race augmented by the Concrete Endless on the world of Sykagoja for the purpose of gladiator fighting. The Concretes selectively bred them to be warriors until the Virtuals devasted the planet, leaving the Hissho to thread their own path. The Hissho are an aggressive race meant for tall play. They receive penalties to FIDSI output for each system above the limit and use a unique Keii resource instead of approval. Keii (which represents honor) is escalatingly consumed when colonizing star systems and when retreating in battles and is accumulated by exploring new star systems, invading planets and by sacrificing population during religious observances (periodic holy rituals). Hissho also start with an economic Behemoth around their home planet, a powerful spaceship which increases Keii rewards when nearby.
  • The Umbral Choir (added in the Penumbra DLC) is a mysterious immaterial energy being located in a special hidden node and which operates via hacking other empires. The Umbral Choir is able to create hidden sanctuaries on uninhabited planets as well as on enemy planets if they possess sleepers on them (sleepers are 'hacked' units of population which act as spies but the Umbral Choir is also able to abduct them and bring them to their home system as enhanced population). Sanctuaries are cloaked and transfer FIDSI resources back to the Umbral Choir home system. The fleets of the umbral choir possess cloaking from the start of the game, even without the cloaking modules.
  • The Nakalim (added in the Awakening DLC) are a religious race that worships the Lost, ancient beings made of dust which were nearly eradicated by the Endless who harvested them during the Dust Wars. They start with the first two tiers of technology already unlocked, but their planets do not generate science. Instead, they are able to collect a special resource called relics. The unassigned relics generate science while assigned ones improve heroes or provide economic bonuses. They are also able to build a unique planetary specialization Temple to the Lost, which allows them to cede systems to the Academy (a neutral faction where heroes are recruited led by a Vodyani rebel called Isyander) in exchange for relics.


At the beginning of the game, the player can choose from one of the 12 predesigned races, as well as to create their own custom race. They are then given control of a fledgling empire, which they must expand by conquering systems. Each system has up to 5 planets, with their own environments, climates, stats (i.e. production, food, etc.), and sometimes anomalies. Anomalies can be explored using an explorer ship, and give buffs or debuffs to the entire system. Planet stats decide how effective planets are at what, while environments decide whether a planet is colonizable or not. The ability to colonize different environments is unlocked through research. Each planet can also be given a specialization, which give buffs, with additional buffs being granted based on climate. The program download. Finally, the player can construct different structures, which give system-wide buffs and can be built an unlimited number of times, with a few exceptions. To reach different systems, players must follow established star lines, unless they have special technologies researched.

Research is key to progressing through the game. It unlocks new constructions, ship hulls, weapons, modules, upgrades, tactics, abilities and other useful things. The game has currently 10 factions (including the downloadable content). There are four different categories of research trees: military, science and technology, business and trade, and empire development. Each tree has four levels, which are only unlockable by researching different subjects in the level before. Politics are also important for different reasons. Each race has different parties, such as industrialists and scientists, which can have different statuses, such as entrenched and established. There are also different types of government. There are also a certain number of law slots, where the player can pass bills associated with a certain party that give buffs. However, bills require the party to have reached a certain status, and parties can pass 'forced bills' without player interaction. Increasing party status/representative counts can be achieved by reaching certain technologies, constructing different buildings, and performing certain actions (one example is how declaring war, building bunkers, and researching weapons increases militarists count).

In order to expand their empire, the player must colonize systems throughout their galaxy. They are also competing with various other empires, who are also attempting to win the game. The player can interact with them, by declaring war, sending tributes, or forming alliances. Each empire has their own territory, and different relationships with the player (i.e. Cold War, War, Wary, etc.). There are also minor civilizations, who players can improve their relationships with to get them to send resources, or declare war on. They can also be assimilated into the player's empire if their relationship is good enough. However, enemy empires can interact with these civilizations as well.

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Endless Space 2
Developer(s)Amplitude Studios
Platform(s)Microsoft Windows
ReleaseMay 18, 2017
Genre(s)Turn-based strategy, 4X
Mode(s)Single-player, multiplayer

Endless Space 2 is a turn-based strategy, science fiction4X game developed by Amplitude Studios. It is the sequel to Endless Space, which was released in 2012. The game had been made available through Steam's early access program since October 2016.[1] It was released on May 18, 2017.


Endless Space 2 is set in the universe that was long ago dominated by a powerful race called the Endless. Inquisitive and dedicated, the Endless were able to make great advances in the fields of science, which culminated in them achieving virtualization, allowing them to upload their minds into machines and giving them eternal life. This created a great schism in their society, splitting it into two opposing factions, the Virtuals, who embraced electronic immortality, and the Concretes, who viewed it as an abomination. The quarrels quickly grew into an open war, called the Dust Wars, which essentially destroyed their society, leaving but a few splintered surviving individuals.Tens of thousands of years after the demise of the Endless, the galaxy is yet again thriving with life capable of interstellar travel. The player takes control of one of the 12 major factions, 'each with their own asymmetrical gameplay, storyline, homeworlds, spaceships, heroes and technologies'[2].

  • The Sophons are a peaceful and curious race which resembles grey aliens. They pursue scientific advance to the point of recklessness and have once accidently blew up their moon. For Sophons, the universe and life are something to be looked with awe and to be studied and understood. The Sophons have a unique ability to gain a research bonus to the technology that they are researching proportional to the number of factions that haven't yet researched the chosen technology.[3]
  • The Cravers are an aggressive hive-like half-machine half-insect race created by the virtual Endless who used them as a weapon against the Concrete Endless. The Cravers are always in war with other factions and are incapable of signing peace unless the Militaristic party has no represantation in their senate. The Cravers gain 150% bonus to FIDS resources (Food, Industry, Dust and Science), but slowly deplete the planets that they inhabit, turning them unproductive and reducing their FIDS output to 50% after a certain time. They are also able to enslave other populations, increasing their FIDS output, but reducing their Approval (happiness).[4]
  • The Lumeris are an amphibian race that focuses on peaceful trading and dust acquisition (dust is the collection of nanobots and nano-computers created by the Endless used as the currency by todays' factions who lack the ability to understand it and manipulate it). The Lumeris are able to colonize new systems using dust (instead of with colonizing ships) and gain bonuses to trade companies as well as reduction to dust inflation, which allows them to more efficiently buy out system improvements and spaceships with dust.[5]
  • The Vodyani developed on a poor planet called Tchinomy. Due to overexploitation of their homeplanet's resources they almost went extinct, but were saved by stumbling upon the technology of the Virtual Endless, causing them to worship them as gods. The Vodyani society is based on a religious hierarchy and they seek to convert other civilizations into Vodyani, drawing their lifeforce (by a unique resource called essence) and helping them ascend past their physical forms into virtuals. The Vodyani don't inhabit planets but instead live on their arks and exploit all the planets that their arks orbit around, allowing them to easily move to a new system that is richer in resources.[6]
  • The United Empire is an expansionistmultiethnic faction ruled by a monarchemperor Zelevas. Their gameplay is focused on industrial output, which generates influence, which can be used to buy out system improvements, technologies and resources. The Imperials have a very flexible endgame, since they are later able to change their culture into Sheredyn (who have militaristic bonuses) or Mezari (who possess scientific bonus), making them well-suited for several victory types.[7]
  • The Horatio were founded by an eccentric Mezari magnate who got hold of ancient cloning labs used by the Endless, exploiting them to create a massive army of clones, replicating the most beautiful being in the galaxy – himself. The Horatio society views other races as inferior and primitive, and seeks to 'beautify' the galaxy, making it contain nothing but copies of Horatio. The faction possesses a unique ability to harvest other populations' traits, splicing their genes and adding them to their own, constantly improving FIDSI output of the Horatio population.[8]
  • The Riftborn, an odd-looking white shape-like floating beings from an alternate dimension were driven from their original universe called Coroz into the Endless universe when a dust artifact onboard a Hissho vessel exploded, causing a rift between the two universes. The different and incompatible physical laws of the two universes caused the rift to grow and to consume the Coroz and its inhabitants and forced the Riftborn out of their own world. The Riftborn prefer sterile planets instead of fertile ones and do not increase their numbers by food (the Riftborn population must be constructed with industry). They are also able to place powerful singularities (time manipulations) on systems which can modify both friendly and enemy system FIDSI output.[9]
  • The Unfallen are a peaceful race of sentient trees that developed on a forest world of Koyasil. They are one of the oldest races in the universe and they possess the ability to discover and awake Guardians on planets, a special type of population which provides defensive bonuses to the planet it inhabits. The Unfallen colonize and claim other systems using celestial vines (which are special links between systems) and do not rely on spreading influence, like other empires. Additionally, they gain approval bonuses during peacetime and per factions they are allied to.[10]
  • The Vaulters (added in the Vaulters DLC) are the descendants of a Mezaripenal ship which crashed on the world of Auriga, where they set up a colony (during the events of the Endless Legend game). After a cataclysmic atmospheric event, they were forced to flee the planet and have since wondered the galaxy in search for a new home. The Vaulters don't start on a home system. They instead start the game with a single colony ship called the Argosy which is not consumed after a colonization and which colonizes planets instantaneously (instead of creating an outpost which slowly grows and turns into a full settlement, like the other empires). They are also able to build portals which allow them to instantaneously travel to other system which also possess portals, as well as to disguise their ships as pirates and attack other empires (even allied ones).[11]
  • The Hissho (added in the Supremacy DLC) are an avian race augmented by the Concrete Endless on the world of Sykagoja for the purpose of gladiator fighting. The Concretes selectively bred them to be warriors until the Virtuals devasted the planet, leaving the Hissho to thread their own path. The Hissho are an aggressive race meant for tall play. They receive penalties to FIDSI output for each system above the limit and use a unique Keii resource instead of approval. Keii (which represents honor) is escalatingly consumed when colonizing star systems and when retreating in battles and is accumulated by exploring new star systems, invading planets and by sacrificing population during religious observances (periodic holy rituals). Hissho also start with an economic Behemoth around their home planet, a powerful spaceship which increases Keii rewards when nearby.
  • The Umbral Choir (added in the Penumbra DLC) is a mysterious immaterial energy being located in a special hidden node and which operates via hacking other empires. The Umbral Choir is able to create hidden sanctuaries on uninhabited planets as well as on enemy planets if they possess sleepers on them (sleepers are 'hacked' units of population which act as spies but the Umbral Choir is also able to abduct them and bring them to their home system as enhanced population). Sanctuaries are cloaked and transfer FIDSI resources back to the Umbral Choir home system. The fleets of the umbral choir possess cloaking from the start of the game, even without the cloaking modules.
  • The Nakalim (added in the Awakening DLC) are a religious race that worships the Lost, ancient beings made of dust which were nearly eradicated by the Endless who harvested them during the Dust Wars. They start with the first two tiers of technology already unlocked, but their planets do not generate science. Instead, they are able to collect a special resource called relics. The unassigned relics generate science while assigned ones improve heroes or provide economic bonuses. They are also able to build a unique planetary specialization Temple to the Lost, which allows them to cede systems to the Academy (a neutral faction where heroes are recruited led by a Vodyani rebel called Isyander) in exchange for relics.


At the beginning of the game, the player can choose from one of the 12 predesigned races, as well as to create their own custom race. They are then given control of a fledgling empire, which they must expand by conquering systems. Each system has up to 5 planets, with their own environments, climates, stats (i.e. production, food, etc.), and sometimes anomalies. Anomalies can be explored using an explorer ship, and give buffs or debuffs to the entire system. Planet stats decide how effective planets are at what, while environments decide whether a planet is colonizable or not. The ability to colonize different environments is unlocked through research. Each planet can also be given a specialization, which give buffs, with additional buffs being granted based on climate. The program download. Finally, the player can construct different structures, which give system-wide buffs and can be built an unlimited number of times, with a few exceptions. To reach different systems, players must follow established star lines, unless they have special technologies researched.

Research is key to progressing through the game. It unlocks new constructions, ship hulls, weapons, modules, upgrades, tactics, abilities and other useful things. The game has currently 10 factions (including the downloadable content). There are four different categories of research trees: military, science and technology, business and trade, and empire development. Each tree has four levels, which are only unlockable by researching different subjects in the level before. Politics are also important for different reasons. Each race has different parties, such as industrialists and scientists, which can have different statuses, such as entrenched and established. There are also different types of government. There are also a certain number of law slots, where the player can pass bills associated with a certain party that give buffs. However, bills require the party to have reached a certain status, and parties can pass 'forced bills' without player interaction. Increasing party status/representative counts can be achieved by reaching certain technologies, constructing different buildings, and performing certain actions (one example is how declaring war, building bunkers, and researching weapons increases militarists count).

In order to expand their empire, the player must colonize systems throughout their galaxy. They are also competing with various other empires, who are also attempting to win the game. The player can interact with them, by declaring war, sending tributes, or forming alliances. Each empire has their own territory, and different relationships with the player (i.e. Cold War, War, Wary, etc.). There are also minor civilizations, who players can improve their relationships with to get them to send resources, or declare war on. They can also be assimilated into the player's empire if their relationship is good enough. However, enemy empires can interact with these civilizations as well.

To fight against other empires, players require ships and ground troops. Players can engage in ship battles against enemy fleets, with the outcome being entirely random, although greater fleet strength increases chance of victory. Different battle tactics can be used, which give bonuses and change the range of engagement. Players can also retreat from battle, saving their ships at the cost of taking some damage. Players can also invade by sending their ground troops to fight against defenders for a system. The player's ground troops can be upgraded, and the player can decide what percentages of the army they make up. Replenishing ground troops requires manpower, a special resource, and each ship can only carry so many soldiers. Players can also weaken an enemy system's defenders by waiting by the system for several turns, which decreases the number of enemy troops. The player can also use certain battle tactics as well, which give certain bonuses but also certain negatives.

The player can design ship designs. There are three classes of ship hulls: small, medium, and large, with small and medium hulls having multiple types. Larger hulls have more health, manpower capacity, and module slots, but lack the mobility of smaller ships, require more resources and time to build, and take up more space in a fleet. Each ship has support and weapon modules, where player can equip certain weapons and buff-granting support modules. Each weapon has different stats and ranges. There are three ranges: short, medium, and long. Each weapon has a certain effectiveness at certain ranges, with lower effectiveness reducing weapon damage and accuracy. Certain weapons have special properties; for example, kinetic weapons, while ineffective at long range, can attack incoming missiles, fighters, and bombers. Beam weapons, on the other hand, have generally low damage output but are unaffected by range. Simple recorder 1 7 11.


The game was made available through Steam's early access program on 6 October 2016. The full game was released on the 19 May 2017.[12]

The game received its third major update on the 23 March 2018. It added the Vaulter civilization, pirate bases, and an Early Access version of multiplayer mode along with several new visual elements.[13]

Downloadable content[edit]

Since the release of the game, many DLCs have been added.

Endless Space® 2 (2018) Pelicula Completa

  • Endless Day update
  • Stellar Prisoner update
  • Galactic Statecraft update
  • Little Grin Man update
  • Target Locked update
  • Guardians & The Galaxy update
  • Stories
  • Vaulters (Faction pack)
  • Lost Symphony
  • Untold tales
  • Supremacy (Including one new Faction and gameplay changes)
  • Penumbra (Including one new Faction and new game features, including the ability to hack others)
  • Awakening (Including one new Faction and the Academy as an NPC faction)


Endless Space Review


2017Golden Joystick AwardsPC Game of the YearNominated[14]
Ping AwardsBest PC GameNominated[15]
Best GraphicsNominated
Best SoundtrackNominated
2018D.I.C.E. AwardsStrategy/Simulation Game of the YearNominated[16]


  1. ^Chalk, Andy (September 27, 2016). 'Endless Space 2 is coming to Early Access in early October'. PC Gamer. Retrieved April 3, 2017.
  2. ^
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  12. ^Scott-Jones, Richard (April 13, 2017). 'Endless Space 2 leaves early access on May 19, get the original on Steam for £1 until Monday'. PCGamesN. Retrieved October 11, 2020.
  13. ^O'Connor, Alice (March 23, 2017). 'Endless Space 2 adds multiplayer, Riftborn faction'. Rock, Paper, Shotgun. Retrieved March 27, 2017.
  14. ^Gaito, Eri (November 13, 2017). 'Golden Joystick Awards 2017 Nominees'. Best in Slot. Retrieved January 20, 2018.
  15. ^'Nommés aux Ping Awards 2018'. Ping Awards (in French). 2017. Retrieved December 11, 2018.
  16. ^Makuch, Eddie (January 14, 2018). 'Game Of The Year Nominees Announced For DICE Awards'. GameSpot. Retrieved January 20, 2018.

External links[edit]

Endless Space Wiki

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